MBBS Program
Program Duration
Five years
Full time (8 am to 3 pm)
Dress Code
Male: White shirt (full sleeve), dark grey trousers, maroon tie with the monogram, black socks, and black dress shoes.
For winter maroon blazer/sweater/jersey.
Female: Maroon shirt (full sleeve), white shalwar, maroon dupatta, black socks, and black dress shoes.
For winter maroon blazer/sweater/jersey
Aims to Achieve
5-star doctors
- Competent Medical Care Provider
- Brilliant Clinical Decision Maker
- Creative Researcher
- Role Model
- Effective Communicator
Strategies Adopted for Student-Centered Approach
- Problem Based Learning (PBL)
- Small Group Discussions (SGD)
- Self-Directed Learning (SDL)
- Interactive Lectures and Seminars
- Practical Teaching
- Early Clinical Exposure
- Representation in the Curriculum Committee
- Integration of Curriculum
- Workshops on Communication Skills, Leadership Skills, and Professionalism
- Facilitation of Participation in Research
- Provision of Study Guides
- Electives in Area of Interest of Students
- Multi-Disciplinary CPC
Program Evaluation
We believe in the quality of education delivery, and to ensure that we achieve our aims, a continuous process of program evaluation and feedback is in place. The features of the program are
- Yearly input from students and teachers
- Feedback on curriculum
- Feedback about the stakeholders from both sides
- Process of feedback review
- Communication of feedback to stakeholders
- Appropriate reforms in the curriculum based on feedback
- Quality assurance of the program
Student research is an integral part of the scientific and professional activities of the students. The institutional research committee hosts workshops and talks regularly to enlighten the students about the importance of research methods. The committee provides opportunities and facilitation to the students to be involved in research and motivates them to present papers in national and international conferences. The students are awarded additional marks in internal assessment for their research participation.
The students of SDMC are like our own sons and daughters. The director of student affairs, and his team of faculty members, give dedicated time for mentoring sessions.